cropped Soraco Icon Introduction

Safir Soraya Sepahan Company (Soraco) started working in 2013 to produce scientists in the field of industry.

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2 میز نمونه کار

Soraco is a manufacturer of intelligent and automatic systems, especially in the field of laboratory equipment

The following can be mentioned from the products of this company:

  • Types of high-speed, ultra-high-speed, online, rotary, monitor data loggers
  • Types of vibration meter, shock meter, dynamic accelerometer, 4-probe resistance meter, current-voltage characteristic graph drawing device
  • Types of simple, accurate, automatic, double, dispenser, diluter syringe pumps
  • Braille printer and engraving machine, CNC tables with digital ruler
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cropped-Soraco-Icon.png Braille printer
Braille printer

Now, with the help of the Merciful Lord, another step will be taken towards breaking the dependence on the import of braille printers and increasing the independence of Islamic Iran.

The first national Braille printer is manufactured in the country’s printing houses in accordance with the needs of the country’s printing houses in Safir Soraya Sepahan. From now on, we can proudly announce that scientific and cultural resources for the blind people of this region are printed and published in Braille with native devices.

This printer, which was made for the first time in Iran, can compete with foreign models in terms of speed and quality of printing

Woodpecker braille printer can meet the wide range of users’ needs. This is while the price of the device has decreased significantly compared to foreign samples and prevents a significant amount of currency from leaving the country.

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